Thursday, February 11, 2010

Picture of the Week- Pic 3

Home Coming 2009

Paper Town Diary- Entry 9

So these last few days have been extremely hectic. You see in order to graduate from WHS you have to write a senior paper on a controversial issue or whatever so I have been doing nonstop research for the past few days. Work is getting better especially when July is not there. Haha speaking of which we've havn't seen him for a while. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. I wonder what happened to him, but now Im over it lol. I hope I get my license soon I AM SO SICK OF PEOPLE DRIVING ME AROUND.  And im pretty sure they're tired of it too. Well my life is pretty uneventful so to that I say Au du I think I spelt and said that right lol. Until next time.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Paper Town Diary- Entry 8

Sorry I havn't been blogging these last couple of days I have been way too busy. So today I am getting my haircut and dyed I AM SO EXCITED lol. Work has been gradually getting better. Hmmmm. I really don't have that much to say lol I can't think right now. Wait now I remember so last Thursday was probably the worst day ever. Well it started off great, but then this stupid byotch from the library had to ruin everything. Here's how it all started... I go in there and notice a long line at the register and one of the TAs was really busy so I ask a different one to help me find a book (she's not even doing anything and is just sitting there talking to her friends) she's like "Do you see that line right there?" And I'm like yeah thats why I'm over here. Then she's like "Well go stand in it." I'm like you can't get up for 2 seconds and help me find something really? She's like "well go look on the computer." I'm like "I would, but they're all full." She's like "well go stand in line"  (please take note that I have a serious anger problem and by this put I am boiling) So I just leave and think that this ugo is not worth my time so I go stand in line. While I'm in line I hear her say to her friends do I look like a computer and to that I reply "obviously not because a computer is way smarter than you and actually contributes something to society you effing byotch!" Oh and by the way it only took the other TA like 5 seconds to find the book I was looking for. Until next time.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Picture of the week- Pic 2

I took this pic of my friend by the wash at her house.

Papertown- Entry 7

Hmmmm so today was pretty much a slow day. I woke up late, got dressed, and went to school. I thought about skipping fourth hour, but decided against it. I had lunch today with D at Mcdonalds and saw something intresting. First off I wold like to ask this; Why the f*** would anyone eat 50 chicken nuggets? I mean a normal person can eat  maybe12, but 50 I get that its probably meant to share,but still really.Then once school was over I walked home and realized how beautiful it is outside and how much I was missing staying inside. It looked like a scene for a commercial I mean there were families playing at the park, people fishing in the man-made lake, people riding bikes, dogs chasing eachother happily, it was really peaceful. This journey home actually made me realize how much I am going to miss my papertown when I leave for college. Until next time.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Paper Town- Entry 6

So the last few days have been kind of hetic. For starters we got a new guy at work he's really cool and I love his sarcasm. For a second though I was worried because he was a friend of July's or whatever and I thought "Great another arrogant jackass" but he is the opposite. I miss L though and I hope she gets better. Anyways it sucks working during the week because A was in town(my step dads mom) and I didn't even have a chance to say hi or anything because I'm either at work or school. So I feel really bad, but I guess thats life. And to make matters worse I'm like stuck with this physco bible thumper for an english teacher and she's like gay rights are too controversial of a subject for your senior paper. Ummm the last I checked this was America and our own motto is "liberty and justice for all" I hate when people are hypicrits. And since when is it controversial to give people rights. Seriously like WTF I can't stand when people are like "Dude America is so awesome we're way better than the rest of the world" haha thats funny because compared to most first world countries America is falling behind in pretty much everything. Second world here we come L.O.L.!!! Well thats pretty much it for now. Until next time.