Saturday, June 11, 2011

College Freshman Yr

So I'm going to try to summarize my  year into one post:
When I first got there the year started off pretty amazing I hung out with friends, had game nights, and got along pretty well with my roommate, heck I even rushed for a seemingly perfect sorority. However as second semester came around things took a turn for the worst my friends and I were fighting, I hated my roommate, and I ultimately was cut from the new member process. The only good thing that came from this year was the alcohol. Without  it I probably wouldn't be here right now. But I still have the obstacle of bettering my relationship with my friends you see we rushed together and the whole situation during the end was pretty fucked up. Despite the obvious injustice this person continued to keep quiet I mean who hell does that. If you witnessed these people treat your so called best friend like crap would you sit there and do nothing would you even still associate with these people? I think that out of everything that was the worse and the sad part is she still doesn't get it. You see I'm the type of person who values loyalty and once you lose that you also lose my respect and ultimately you are reduced to nothing and are disposable to me. However, this situation is unique to me because I've been friends with her for so long, but the meaning of that word has definitely changed.
-What would you do in this situation post your response under comments
Until next time,

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