Saturday, June 11, 2011

Things People Have Told me Over the Years

They say:
I'm "bitch" because I'm out spoken.
I'm not a "team" player because I'm independent. 
I'm "shy" because I don't jump in bed with every guy that speaks to me.
I'm "judgmental" because I honor my moral values.
I'm "controlling" because I know how to be a leader when no one steps up.
I have "issues" because I will never bow down to you.
I'm "intimidating" because I am a strong independent woman and you will never knock me down no matter how hard you try. 

College Freshman Yr

So I'm going to try to summarize my  year into one post:
When I first got there the year started off pretty amazing I hung out with friends, had game nights, and got along pretty well with my roommate, heck I even rushed for a seemingly perfect sorority. However as second semester came around things took a turn for the worst my friends and I were fighting, I hated my roommate, and I ultimately was cut from the new member process. The only good thing that came from this year was the alcohol. Without  it I probably wouldn't be here right now. But I still have the obstacle of bettering my relationship with my friends you see we rushed together and the whole situation during the end was pretty fucked up. Despite the obvious injustice this person continued to keep quiet I mean who hell does that. If you witnessed these people treat your so called best friend like crap would you sit there and do nothing would you even still associate with these people? I think that out of everything that was the worse and the sad part is she still doesn't get it. You see I'm the type of person who values loyalty and once you lose that you also lose my respect and ultimately you are reduced to nothing and are disposable to me. However, this situation is unique to me because I've been friends with her for so long, but the meaning of that word has definitely changed.
-What would you do in this situation post your response under comments
Until next time,

Things I Hate

I hate....
1. When people say sex is just sex
2. People who act like they're better than everyone else um you're not God 
3. People who don't believe in any religion, but say they don't want to go to Hell in order to believe in one you have to believe in the other
4. People who change themselves to please others if they are truly your friends then they wouldn't want you to change
5. People who can never take responsibility for their actions you messed up admit and move on
6. People who are constantly wanting sympathy quit your bitching and do something with your life because you know what everyone has their problems
7. People who settle, life is about exploring and experiencing the unexpected don't be contempt 
8. People who say nothing if you witness an unjust situation the worst possible thing you can ever do is doing nothing and because of that you lose all my respect
9. People who are hypocrites don't preach to me what you don't practice
10. People who act like the victim I will never take you seriously
11. People who never meet their full potential what the hell are you doing 
12. People who are two-faced be real if you don't like someone just say it and move on life will be a lot easier
13. People who live with regret you will never be happy in life if you continue to focus on the past
14. People who wish although I'm always for wishful thinking I hate people who do just that wishful thinking how about you go out there and do something with your life rather than sit around and wait for something to happen
15. People who get upset when people don't like them get over it not everyone in the world is going to like you, but its life
16. People who just sit around and complain OMG shut up you sitting around complianing all day is not going to fix anything
17. People who are ignorant
18. People who hide behind their race, religion, economic standing, political party, and etc. 
19. People who are just mean
20. People who tell you what's best for you um last I checked you weren't me so don't tell me what is best
21. People who are spoiled the world doesn't cater to you
22. People who act like their children's friend, unless your child pays the bills then you don't have to be their friend
23. People who talk badly to their parents one day they aren't going to be here anymore and all you will remember are the times you disrespected them they gave you life and thats all they had to do everything was not a requirement
24. People who act like the world owes them the world doesn't owe you anything
25. People who are shelfish 
26. People who make everything about them not everything is about you
27. People who tell you how discipline your children I'll admit that I'm not afraid to whoop a child's ass if that's what it takes who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do
28. People who don't stick up for their friends yeah some friend you are
29. People who settle for a guy because they fear no one else will be interested
30. People who play games keep playing your games because one day you will have no one to play with 
31. People who are overly sensitive I'm not emotionless you're just a cry baby
32. People who tell their parents what to do last I checked you were the child